What is the SAIH?
A school to transform health
The School of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare supports current and next-generation healthcare professionals and stakeholders. Launched in 2018, it is the first of its kind to focus on the development of human capacities and the implementation of AI in a real health environment, ethically and responsibly, to improve the health of the population.
We are much more than just a school, the SAIH bridges the gap between healthcare professionals and the AI sector.
To achieve this, we focus on:
- Developing skills
- Building our ecosystem
- Innovating and testing prototypes in real-world settings
- Creating and mobilising knowledge through research
“This is the first school of artificial intelligence in the world, born in a francophone environment, to focus on the development of human capabilities and real-world implementation of AI.”
A school for everyone
The School of Artificial Intelligence in Health (SAIH) is intended for all those working for, or in, the health sector. It is designed to specifically meet the needs of the following client bases:
- Patients and the public
- Healthcare teams
- Students and medical residents
- Doctors
- Researchers
- Managers and professionals
- Health sector partners
Why have an AI health-school?
- To embrace AI and support key health sector players
- To integrate AI in a humane, ethical and responsible way
- To ensure that AI benefits patients and the public
- To set the pace of the evolution of tomorrow’s health systems
Montreal has become a hub for AI expertise, inspiring and attracting experts in this field from everywhere. The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of ArtificiaI Intelligence demonstrates the desire to encourage public dialogue and propose a progressive and inclusive orientation for the development of AI. The CHUM followed suit by becoming a signatory of the Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of AI.
“Agile and proactive, the SAIH stands out through its evolving and applied approach. It places people at the centre of the transformation to increase its ability to humanize health.”

Our Partners
The School of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (SAIH) would not be possible without the commitment of the Université de Montréal, its Faculties and its Schools.
The CHUM will initially collaborate more closely with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the Université de Montréal and with Mosaic HEC, the multidisciplinary training and research centre of HEC Montréal specializing in creativity and innovation management.
Professors, as well as students and patients, will help develop the content of the School’s activities.
The SAIH will also rely on the support of several other institutional and private partners.
Want to become a partner? Contact us: ecole.ia.chum@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
- AIoT Canada
- Alliance Impact Intelligence Artificielle
- Axionable
- Centech
- Centre de recherche du CHUM
- Centre d'excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public
- Collège Dawson
- Collège Ste-Anne
- Conseil Interprofessionnel du Québec
- Fondation du CHUM
- Fondation Télémédecine
- Forum IA
- Hacking Health
- HEC Montréal
- Humaniteq
- Institut du nouveau monde
- Institut intelligence de données (IID)
- Médicaments Novateurs Canada
- Montréal International
- Montréal Invivo
- Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l'IA et du numérique (OBVIA)
- Orion Health
- Printemps numérique
- Prompt Innovation
- Reacts
- Seed AI
- Servier Canada
- Société canadienne du cancer
- Ubisoft
Do you want to contribute to SAIH?
Direction de l'enseignement et de l'Académie CHUM (DEAC)
The DEAC nurtures the next generation and key healthcare players in their ability to create and incorporate into real settings knowledge and innovations that will improve population health.
CHUM Library
Responsive to informational needs, the Library’s professionals provide services to the CHUM community on a daily basis to stimulate innovation and improve the performance of the organization. Services include: loans, information monitoring, development of informational skills, and embedded librarian services for teams.
The CHUM’s Centre d’intégration et d’analyse des données médicales (CITADEL) was born of the need to structure (and validate) sources of data — whether clinical, administrative, financial, management or research — to use them for the purposes of research and continuous improvement of health interventions.
The VIA CHUM Beachhead initiative provides a link between clinical expertise and AI data science in real-life care settings to drive innovations with the help of medical and digital technologies.