The Future of Genomics and Precision Medicine

Durée : Plus de 6 heures

Catégories :
Niveau des connaissances préalables requises en IA : Aucune connaissance préalable
Niveau des connaissances préalables requises en santé : Aucune connaissance préalable

Langue : Anglais

Accèssibilité : Accès et certification gratuit

Durée : Plus de 6 heures

Sujet : Big Data et forage de données (Big Data & Data mining), Santé (Health)


The era of Big Data and precision medicine has revolutionized many industries, including healthcare, life sciences, higher education, and insurance. Empowered by better access to information, today’s patients are taking charge of their healthcare experience. They expect medical decisions and products to be tailored to their specific needs, so that they can live full and healthy lives. The combination of patient involvement and Big Data analysis boosts innovation, through faster drugs, therapy, diagnostic tests, and device development. To fulfill these expectations, a “connected health network” must be established. CancerLinQ™ is a giant leap towards the creation of such a network, organizing the explosion of information into usable knowledge, personalized for each and every patient. In this course, leaders from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and its wholly owned nonprofit subsidiary, CancerLinQ LLC, will help you understand precision medicine from its origins to its bright future, and show how Big Data has transformed the healthcare landscape.