Knowledge-Based AI: Cognitive Systems

Durée : Plus de 6 heures

Catégories :
Niveau des connaissances préalables requises en IA : Aucune connaissance préalable, Connaissances intermédiaires
Niveau des connaissances préalables requises en santé : Aucune connaissance préalable, Connaissances intermédiaires

Langue : Anglais

Accèssibilité : Accès et certification gratuit

Durée : Plus de 6 heures

Sujet : Apprentissage automatique (Machine Learning), Informatique (Computer science)


This class is offered as CS7637 at Georgia Tech where it is a part of the Online Masters Degree (OMS). Taking this course here will not earn credit towards the OMS degree.
This is a core course in artificial intelligence. It is designed to be a challenging course, involving significant independent work, readings, assignments, and projects. It covers structured knowledge representations, as well as knowledge-based methods of problem solving, planning, decision-making, and learning.
The class is organized around three primary learning goals. First, this class teaches the concepts, methods, and prominent issues in knowledge-based artificial intelligence. Second, it teaches the specific skills and abilities needed to apply those concepts to the design of knowledge-based AI agents. Third, it teaches the relationship between knowledge-based artificial intelligence and the study of human cognition.–ud409